Real Estate Agent Market Research

Scheduling Market Research Interviews Now
Start your Real Estate Career with the best possible mindset.
Your success as an agent is directly related to your beliefs about yourself, your business and its potential. You have 100% control over all of this.

My name is Bex Beltran.

I’m a life and business coach.

I’m doing market research with New Real Estate agents who are feeling a little overwhelmed in starting their business and who want to get their technology and social media organized. 


I’d like to interview you (or someone you know) to ask questions about being an agent and learn about your mindset around marketing and clients and goals and technology, and in exchange I’ll give you an hour of one of my top strengths:

  • Business Mindset Coaching
  • Technology Tutoring
  • Business Brainstorming 

I’m not selling anything, I’m just scheduling interviews for research right now.

Would you want to participate?

Schedule your Interview

My hypothesis:

Here is maybe what you’re thinking:
  • I’m not as organized as I want to be. I don’t have my social media figured out and I don’t have a database for my clients and prospects
  • I’m not sure of my strategy for how to consistently market or farm an area
  • I have a hard time sticking to one plan to let it work
  • I feel overwhelmed with technology (CRM, email sender, social media)
  • What else? What am I missing?

What I offer now 

I currently run an 8-week interactive, small-group coaching program that teaches smart, effective mind-management and mindset strategies to new business owners who see the value in investing in themselves at the start of their business.
This coaching program challenges you to think and believe at your highest level. It’s designed to turn your mindset into a propellant for the success of your business.
We meet weekly on Zoom for our 1 hour discussion and coaching calls. We use our time to answer questions and offer strategic advice to ensure that everyone takes consistent action and receives the highest value from their investment.
I’m doing research interviews now to learn how to customize this coaching program to be most helpful to new real estate agents. 

What’s covered in the Coaching Program?

This program is all about discovering and understanding the mindset you are carrying into creating and growing your new Real Estate business. We dive into the following topics:
  • Becoming your Future Self
  • Your Relationship with your Business
  • Taking Massive Action
  • How your own Feelings Affect your Business
  • Time Management
  • Doing the Impossible
  • Overcoming Technology Resistance
  • and, Tech Tutoring