Movement, Energy & Focus with Michell Brown

Michell Brown created the Dynamic Mobility System for busy people, who want to experience more freedom in their body and life.

Listen in to our fun conversation to hear:

🙆‍♀️ What is the Dynamic Mobility System and how can it transform us

🙆‍♀️ How resistance shows up for her clients and how to release the resistance

🙆‍♀️ Which relationships have improved and transformed as a result of being able to move her mind

🙆‍♀️ What happens to your mind as you believe the “rules” without questioning them

🙆‍♀️ What practice has helped Michell manifest things that she thought could never happen

🙆‍♀️ Michell’s wide variety of recommendations

🙆‍♀️ How you can work with Michell (and why it would make a lovely gift for yourself or someone else)

Links to Recommendations Michell mentioned 

Find out how to work with Michell at

Lightly Edited Transcript of our Conversation

Bex Beltran  

Hi, Michelle, thank you for joining me on the podcast today. 

Michell Brown  

Thank you so much. I’m so happy to be here Bex.


I just gave a very quick introduction of what you do and why you’re joining us on the podcast. I know you can do a much better job. So do you mind sharing with everyone, what you do and why


Certainly my business is called dynamic mobility training. I have created it over the past 30 years that I’ve been doing this. I really love helping people to build their energy, to build their energy and connect it to their own system. That’s so important because you know, as people, women, I can talk with about women a lot. But it’s so important to be able to connect to yourself and connect to your own energy. When you do it, making a deep connection is like forming a very intimate and wonderful relationship with yourself.  


That sounds wonderful. So, as you were describing it, I was kind of thinking to myself, there might be someone who’s listening right now, who thinks, do I need a different energy? Like, maybe that’s just their regular baseline, and they don’t even realize they could be more energetic or have a higher or a different energy. So what would you say are some of the telltale signs that someone would know that it’s time to reach out to Michelle,


When you get stressed, it affects everything, it affects your work, it also affects your relationships. It affects like your personal space inside you, you know, your immune system, your body, your mind, everything. So what I do as I help people to bring their attention to themselves, because when you’re in stress mode, your attentions like all out here, right? You tend to fall into other people’s agendas, you fall into the agenda of the company, this day,


Your brain is just like, “let me solve all the problems!” Rather than looking inward and just solving this one problem, the only one that I have control over, that might not even be a problem. It’s true.


Yeah. When we, when we are stressed, it’s, it takes us out of ourselves. Mm hmm. So what happens is, what the work that I do the dynamic mobility training, which involves movement, and breath, work, and meditation, and inner body work, like you’re really focusing in your body. When you have this, you’re doing this work inside your body, it’s like, you’re really bringing your attention here and coming home inside you. Then you start to establish a stronger bond with yourself. That bond empowers you, it gives you courage, it gives you strength, it gives you stamina, and it really helps you to be your best self, like your whole best self.


What a lovely thing to work towards. Is it a “work towards it?” Or is it a journey? 


Well, you know, we are humans, right? change all the time. So as you’re building this relationship with yourself, you’re finding out more about yourself, that you don’t really, you know, when you’re busy, and you’re doing all these things, you’re not thinking about, well, it’s my relationship with myself right now? Or am I judging myself? Or am I putting too many limits on myself? Or do I have, you know, am I like putting another rule on top of myself? Am I having fun? Yes. So as you’re building this relationship with yourself, you’re really coming into your own system coming into yourself, and then really throwing all that stuff out. So you can just be you and find out who you are, in this moment. What your deepest desires are, what you want, where you trust yourself, where you don’t trust yourself. Yeah. And trusting yourself is huge. Building a relationship with yourself is huge in operating, right? 


Totally. I think we don’t even think about if we do trust ourselves, or how much we trust ourselves, or why we trust ourselves. I don’t think we are taught or socialized to even consider those questions.


Absolutely not. We are not. We’re taught to trust and authority figure outside ourselves, right. But how do you know that that’s right for you? Right. So I mean, I’m not saying you know, don’t trust authority. I’m just saying, Whoa, take a look and see where you’re putting your trust. First. Are you putting it inside yourself? Like I’ve got my own back?


Exactly. Check in with yourself. Yeah, it’s so valuable. Yeah, you’re right. I just don’t think we stop or consider or our In the habit of doing that, but you brought up some that some things that could create a little resistance for people who are now interested and curious, but now they might also feel like, Whoa, it’s a journey, it’s work, I’m going to have to face some things that I’ve never had to face before or uncover some things that maybe I’ve kept really shoved down. You know, I haven’t had to look at them before. So do you know if people who come to this work with you? Do they come with resistance up front? Or does resistance show up once they’ve gotten into it and started to feel the effects of it? How does resistance shows up with your clients


Resistance? Well, this is your jam. So –


I always want to get into the resistance,


Resistance shows up wherever, basically, wherever you’re not aligned with yourself and your system. Okay? Then you go into resistance. I mean, when you’re really aligned with yourself, and you’re like, on purpose, then you’re like, Okay, I’m gonna either say yes, or I’m gonna say no.


There’s no drama, right? There’s no resistance, another word for drama. 


The resistance shows up when you’re not aligned with yourself. It’s like, oh, I should do this, or I should have done that. Or Oh, someone or something else. Yeah. That’s when resistance shows up. Or one of the things that I find personally and with all my clients is resistance shows up wherever you’re not open to something new. Right? We, you know, change is difficult. Yes. Right. We all experienced that for a year, or more than now.


Now. I feel like 2021 has been a bigger adjustment period for me, then 2020 was


wow, yeah. So and it’s probably going to continue, like changes still gonna happen, right? Because we’re living in a new society of like, what? You’re kidding me? Yeah, we have to, like, do all this different things. resistance comes up when you’re, you can’t move with what’s happening. We need to be able to move our minds to be able to handle all the new input coming in and also be able to move our, our systems to be able to either adapt or integrate what’s happening. Yeah, sometimes some things will adapt to something, we’ll say, Nope. I’m not adapting to that. But you still have to integrate all these Oh, reality. Yeah. Like, oh, I’m living in a world that does this now. Yeah, you know, so the resistance shows up when you can’t move your mind. It’s so helpful to be able to move your mind because when you can move your mind you can move through things. So like, here’s an example. Let’s say you’re driving along and you have a roadblock. Are you going to sit in the roadblock? Or are you going to look around you and find another way around? Right? Or are you just going to go oh,


I guess I’m stuck here forever? Forever? I guess I live here.


It’s true. Or can I do our UE right? Go backwards? Okay, go off to the right, or can I go off to the left? Or can I just be happy while I’m in my right?


Yes. What do I get to do now that I’m sitting here I get out the car, I get to find a better station to listen to I Yeah. So many. Maybe I’ll listen to Bex’this podcast. That’s right. And hopefully Michelle will be on it. And then they get to hear our conversation.


Then traffic starts moving.


It was the best delay ever.


Yeah, letting your mind move so that you can move through situations and occurrences you know, in your life, and not get so stuck, that the drama just keeps circling around and around and around and around. Yeah,


yeah. I’m sure that as people are listening, right now they can relate. Or they can recognize different parts that you’re describing that they see in their own minds or lives. So I think what you’re describing is super, super relatable. And it sounds like you’ve had a lot of success with this for yourself. You’ve seen your clients really experienced these shifts and transformations.


Yeah, I have like I’ve been doing I’ve been like implementing this in my life for a really long time. And I’ve just seen personally I’ve seen well, my relationship with my husband keeps getting better and better. My relationship with my daughters keeps improving. They’re adults now. You know, we’ve gone through a lot of challenges you do when you have children. My relationships with my family have improved so much. I guess the cool thing is like, personally, I could see where I can move or where I can’t move or I can’t move I’m just kicking myself in the you know what, to figure out how to be able to move there. I tend to like put a lot of rules on myself.


speaking my language – I’m a rule lover (not me, but my mind) 


now your mind puts rules on you. You know, if you post this on social media, what are people going to think?


This means this, they have to do that you need this way. Not none of that has to be true.  


Yeah, it doesn’t have to be true. But when you put so many rules on yourself, then your mind gets more and more and more and more like closed about the subject, you know, instead of like, whoa, what are the possibilities? Yeah, can I go north or south or east or west?


Yes, that’s one of my favorite mantras right now. There are so many options. It just opens everything up. When I remind myself, there are so many options here.


It’s true.


So if someone’s listening and thinking, okay, Michelle’s got something that I want. I’m, I’m interested, I’m curious. Do you work with people virtually or only in person? Or individually? Or only in group? How do you work with people, all of the events, okay, so many options.


So many options. I do have a virtual business, I can work with people virtually all over the country or world and I are in town, even if people don’t want to come in. I have an office in Scottsdale, where I’ve worked with people in person. I have a class that I do that people can come to also nice. So there’s so many options.


I love it. I love providing people with so many options. This fits right in to a few episodes ago, I did a round up of my favorite gifts. I talked about gifts for other people, but also ourselves, right? A great gift is a service either for other people or for ourselves. So if people are still thinking about what do I want to give myself are what would make a great gift for someone else. That’s not a thing that will just be in the house, especially with Michelle or a class with Michelle might be a great I would be wanting to consider.


Yeah, and especially if you came with the person you’re Oh, and you’re together have like a shared experience, which can be really fun. It’s great for couples. It’s great for Sisters is


their siblings. Yes. Mother, daughter,


Yes, Mother- daughter I just attended my own movement class and my own personal, you know, training that I go to with my daughter. It was so fun. We really got to bond. That’s fun.


I’m sure well, for you. It’s normal, because this is your work. But for other people, it would be a unique experience, something that they haven’t done before and something that they haven’t experienced before. So yeah


If you’re into self discovery, and you want to if you love exploring, if you don’t like exploring, you’ll probably you’ll probably open a little bit.


Yes, that’s so good. Well, let me just ask you some kind of more on the personal side questions just so people can get to know you a little bit more. Just because these are my favorite topics to always talk about. So are you a journal lover, journal curious or a non journal?


I am a journal lover. Fantastically amazing lover.


Right. Talk about your journaling practice?


Okay. Well, I started with my journaling practice, because I was hearing little voices and messages and people talking around me about gratitude. And I was trying to be grateful, just by walking around and saying, I’m grateful for the great fruit on my tree. And I’m grateful for, you know, the things that I saw. And I got an inspiration to journal, my gratitude, which I turned into what I call an appreciation practice. And I did that for more than a year, definitely more than a year. And I got so much better at it than when I started. But at least I started changing my life. I just feel more gratitude and more appreciation. And it’s like fun to do, and to appreciate all these things in my life. Then I expanded that into more journaling about what I love what I’m having a problem with what I’m thinking, I’m just saying, oh, where my roadblocks are


Journaling is so powerful for that to actually sew power into paper and see those in right, true.


Yeah. It’s really powerful for manifestation. I can’t tell you how I could tell you. Yeah,


That’s another episode!


because it has helped me manifest things that I never even thought would that I was like, that’s never gonna happen, but you know what? It is? Yeah. Okay, getting out of my own way with the drink.


We definitely need to talk about that. Maybe not today, but because I have a manifesting practice. In my journaling too. I do love to see how well it works. It’s a fun topic to come back for the sequel of this episode.


Yeah, it will be because it’s incredible.


Yeah, I’m so glad you mentioned that. That wasn’t even really on our agenda. So you just happened to mention it and boom, new episode coming up. Stay tuned. Oh, what about: Do you have a mantra?


Yes. I mean, what I would call a mantra is like my intention, my intention for my life and for how I want to keep moving forward. First of all, keep moving.


Yeah. Well, that goes, yes. You can teach people about moving. So that makes sense. Just do it. Okay. Yeah.


I think bring myself out more, like, keep bringing myself out more. Yeah, that, (for me) is a really big thing. But I have to discover what it is that I want to bring out. So Right. 


I love asking people about their mantras and hearing how different they are. Because some people do have like, very specific words and a specific, almost like a little verse or a poem or something, you know, but then other people listen to that I’m getting from yours. Yours is not so much a verbal, routinely said thing. It’s more of this thought that you think but it means the same thing. But I can see that it works for you, even if it’s not in a specific little rhyming verse or something. Right? That’s so interesting. And then yeah, another friend of mine has a mantra that just has a few jibberish words in it too, which totally fine. You know, and it’s fun. It’s different for everyone. 


So I love to be different. It’s like whatever gets you motivated and turns you from outside to Yes, I like backing yourself up. Go.


What you said it’s like an intention for me. I use my mantras as a shortcut key to remind myself to put myself back in what I’ve already decided I want for myself with that little phrase or those little words. Yeah. Oh, that’s so nice. 

What about less on the work side, just more into your personal free time interests, you know, what you care about or are interested in? What do you love to recommend? Do you have any books or TV shows or products or places that you love to tell them? They should try? Yeah.


Oh my gosh. Well, I love I love learning. Yes. So I love I love listening. I geek out in podcasts about neuroscience and how the brain works. I love reading and listening about how to make new habits. That’s a big thing for me. I love listening to, how to play with energy, my energy, the energy between myself and someone else I love. I love listening to and reading books about that. So I would say you asked me about,


yeah, now that you bring those up, I am curious. Is there a specific book about neuroscience or habits or energy?


That I would recommend for neuroscience? I would recommend Andrew Hubermen’s podcasts and I’m not sure if he has a book. I think he has podcasts. He’s a brain scientist. Basically, he has specifics like vision and that he kind of covers the gamut. He’s super interesting. 

Then James Clear. I love reading his book about atomic habits. Yes. And working on it.


It’s a work in progress. Yeah.


Then for the energy and kind of spiritual work. I love James Van Praagh. Okay. He’s amazing. He has a lot of YouTubes out. And he’s just the sweetest man but boys, these are super potent. 

I love listening to Abraham Hicks. I go the gamut, though.  

Oh, and then Joe Dispenza. I love him too. Okay.


Nice. Yeah, you definitely have a well rounded variety.

We could definitely talk forever. And we set up another one because we want to talk about specifically our journaling practices around manifestation or manifesting. We’ll have to see if anyone reaches out to us after this episode to say when is that one coming out because I can be a real hot topic. So let’s just end this episode today by talking about what do you have coming up? Or how can people work with you? Where can people find you?


Well, they can find me on my website, 

I do have an office in Scottsdale. I work one on one with people there. 

I do have a class coming up. I haven’t scheduled it. I’m just about to schedule it -probably in Mesa. That’s how they can find me.


got you covered. You covered a lot. You did? Yes. We I couldn’t like you said I could talk to you for so long about all kinds of things. Journaling thing.


I really just want to thank you for your time today.


You’re so welcome. It was so fun to be here with you. Thank you. Thanks to everybody who’s listening. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in.