Do you love to geek out with other personal development fans over your favorite concepts, books, and authors?

I got to talk with Erika about my most recommended book “It’s Not Your Money” on her podcast Self-Help Junkie

Listen to our conversation to hear

💰What drew me to the book (and how I overcame my initial resistance to it) 

💰Why “It’s Not Your Money” can actually be about any topic (dating, career, relationships, creativity)

💰Which of Tosha Silver’s specific suggestions for surrender both Erika and I were attracted to

💰How to feel abundance in a dating situation

💰The value of noticing your inner child when you’re feeling upset

Throughout this episode, we talked about the Surrender Study Group I started right after reading the book so that I could talk about it with other people. 

If you want a personal self-paced “Bex” version of that study group, you an take a self-guided tour through the 8-part Let Go and Surrender Series and Journal. 

Here’s the start of the series:

Here’s the journal:

If you liked the style of this episode and want to hear Erika interview more people about other books, check out more episodes of the Self-Help Junkie podcast and listen in as she discusses:

  • The Gifts of Imperfection
  • 5 Love Languages
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 
  • A New Earth

And, follow Erika on Instagram here: